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bwin体育大学 sees immense value in internships and highly encourages the students at the college to pursue internships throughout their academic program. Internships can count toward college credits (credit amount is determined by hours worked throughout the internship) but are also done for the sake of experience.

记住实习的目的是获得经验, but the ideal scenario would be one in which you enjoy the company where you intern, 你会学到很多, 公司喜欢你和你所做的工作, and they either invite you back to intern again or offer you a full-time position for after you graduate.

Many people talk about the process of securing an internship which is of course important, 但在实习确定之后, 人们往往会停止说话. What happens after the paperwork is signed and you become an official employee of the company? 你如何成为公司的资产? 作为一名实习生,你如何脱颖而出?


1. 两个字:努力工作.

听起来很简单,对吧?? Not quite. Not everyone is a hard worker, and this will show through intern performances. It can be easy to get comfortable and slack off after a couple of weeks of interning and you start getting the hang of things, 但是不要这样做! Being a hard worker, especially nowadays, will be quickly noticed and appreciated.

2. Say “yes.“热情

As an intern, 当有人问你是否可以做某事时, say “yes” every time (within reason) and do it with an eagerness and a smile on your face. It does not look good when a supervisor asks their intern to complete a task just for their intern to refuse or equally bad, say yes, begrudgingly. 许多实习生会抱怨任务太小,他们做不了, 但你应该记住,必须有人来完成这项任务, and an intern willing to do the trivial will lead to offers to do something bigger.

3. 认真倾听并提出问题.

Being a good listener will eliminate questions you have to ask five minutes after your supervisor gets done explaining the task at hand. 这也允许你提前提出问题, 这也会让你的上司知道你在认真倾听. 另外,不要害怕问问题. A supervisor would much rather have you ask them questions than you not ask them and then do something wrong.

4. Be a buffalo.

When a storm comes, buffaloes, unlike cows, do not run away from the storm in hopes of outrunning it. 当暴风雨来临时,水牛会冲进暴风雨中,以便更快地度过难关. What this means is that when problems occur throughout your internship (they will come and that is okay), it is crucial to be proactive and stay on top of the issue rather than doing nothing hoping and crossing your fingers it will work itself out. Act quickly and wisely when things go wrong and do not be afraid to go to your supervisor to create a plan to resolve the issue at hand.

5. 和其他实习生交朋友.

即使你没有和其他实习生密切合作, you are still going to be working with them throughout the entirety of your internship, 因此,与他们建立牢固的关系是一个明智的主意. 如果你有一项任务需要帮助,或者有其他事情要做, you can then ask a fellow intern who you have been intentional about getting to know for help, 他们很有可能会这么做! Not only this, but it is an opportunity to build your network with more people closer to your age.

6. 午餐时间要在场.

It can be very tempting to get on your phone and catch up on all the things you missed during your lunch break, 但午餐时间是真正了解对方的绝佳机会, 建立联系, 与同事建立个人关系.

7. 每天醒来,都明白自己拥有的机会.

在实习的兴奋消退之后, bwin体育很容易忘记曾经得到的机会. Internships are not always glamorous or dreamy but going into each day with a thankful heart will show in the work you do and will be not only noticed, 同时也要得到同事的赏识.

Internships are a phenomenal opportunity for students to not only get connected in their desired field, but also network with employers and potentially get a head start on finding a full-time job following graduation. 如果你是一名正在寻找实习机会的学生,那就去看看吧.com,握手.com或创建LinkedIn个人资料都是开始的好地方. 此外,大学通常有职业发展中心,就像在 bwin体育大学,在这个过程中有进一步的帮助. 找实习愉快!


Photo by 约根德拉辛格 on Unsplash

Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, 学术见解, 并为全国对话做出贡献,激发人们的思考, conversation, 以及对真理的追求, 符合bwin体育作为基督徒的哲学, 文科院校.

May 10, 2022



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